Robinson becomes a saler. He trip world sea. On the way he is recived big damage but he continue to trip.
steer ~の舵を取る、操縦する
He showed me how to steer and manage the vessel.
load 荷、積荷
He would carry out a load of cheap trinkets to exchange for gold dust and feathers and other rare and curious things.
plow すき hoe くわ
I must have plows and hoes and a sugar mill
fit out そろえてやる、備えつける
We will fit out a trading vessel for Africa.
penny ペニー、貨幣単位
You need not put in a penny of your own
figure 数える、現れる
I figured that each one of us would have thirty or forty slaves.
reckon 思う、考える
We reckoned that each one of these would buy a slave.
dare I did not dare to say so
swiftly すぐに
The ship sped swiftly on her way, and every one was happy and hopeful.
fierce 荒々しい
I had seen many a fierce storm, but never one so terrible as this.
overboard 船から水の中に
All of us would have been washed overboard if we had not hurried back to the cabin.
overset ひっくりかえす
Then all at once, a huge wave overset the boat
rage 激怒
We were thrown out into the raging sea.
fear 恐れる
I feared lest I should be carried out to sea again.
arise 立ち上がる
After I had rested a little while I arose and looked around me.
"But neither men nor tools could I get in Brazil".
↑ I can't understand this sentence mean.
And I'm sorry commmented late!!
Good work!
返信削除Here's the answer to your question:
Men could not get in Brazil. Tools could not get in Brazil.
By the way, it's 講読 not 購読.