
The Princess and the Goblin (since last week)

Where: The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald , http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=macdonald&book=goblin&story=why


1. constantly

when the mountain was covered with mist which was constantly gathering itself together into raindrops, ...

Definition: all the time, or very often

2. eaves

Context: whence it fell in a fringe of water from the eaves all round about it, the princess could not of course go out.

Definition: the edges of a roof that stick out beyond the walls:


The Princess and the Goblin

Where: The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald , http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=macdonald&book=goblin&story=why


1. nursery

Context: The ceiling of her nursery was blue, with stars in it, as like the sky as they could make it.

Definition: a place where young children are taken care of during the day while their parents are at work.

2. pit

Context: there, great deep pits, with long galleries and passages running off from them,

Definition: a hole in the ground, especially one made by digging

The female digs a pit in which to lay the eggs.

3. subterranean, caverns

Context: Now in these subterranean caverns lived a strange race of beings, called by some gnomes, by some kobolds, by some goblins.

Definition: beneath the surface of the Earth
Definition: a large cave

4. hideous

Context: They were now, not ordinarily ugly, but either absolutely hideous, or ludicrously grotesque both in face and form.

Definition: extremely unpleasant or ugly
a hideous dress

5. affection

Context: They had enough of affection left for each other to preserve them from being absolutely cruel for cruelty's sake to those that came in their way.

Definition: a feeling of liking or love and caring
Bart had a deep affection for the old man.

6. cherish

Context: but still they so heartily cherished the ancestral grudge against those who occupied their former possessions ...

Definition: if you cherish something, it is very important to you

7. mischief

Context: But as they grew in cunning, they grew in mischief,....

Definition: bad behaviour, especially by children, that causes trouble or damage, but no serious harm.

8. annoy

Context: their great delight was in every way they could think of to annoy the people who lived in the open-air storey above them.

Definition: to make someone feel slightly angry and unhappy about something

9. evident

Context: It will now be pretty evident why the little princess had never seen the sky at night.

Definition: easy to see, notice, or understand


The snow queen

Where: The snow queen by Hans Chiristian Andersen, published in 2006 by Usborne Publishing Ltd.,



Context: "The river flows a long way,"

Definition: when a liquid, gas, or electricity flows, it moves in a steady continuous stream

2. pass

Context: "Perhaps the river has passed him on its travels."

Definition: a road, river, or railway line that passes a place goes through or near the place

3. sweep

Context: So, she climbed into a boat to throw them further in...and the boat swept her away.

Definition: to move things from a surface with a brushing movement

4. past

Context: She hoped the river would take her past someone who had seen Kay.

Definition: further than a particular place/The hospital's just up this road, about a mile past the school.


Context: As dusk fell, she spotted a rose-covered cottage.

Definition: the time before it gets dark when the sky is becoming less bright

6. describe

Context: She described their happy days playing untill he suddenly changed.

Definition: to say what something or someone is like by giving details about them

7. magnificent

Context: The snow Queen had taken Kay to her magnificent castle in the far north.

Definition: very good or beautiful, and very impressive

a magnificent performance



The Snow Queen

Where: The snow queen by Hans Chiristian Andersen, published in 2006 by Usborne Publishing Ltd.,



1. shatter

Context: Not long after the mirror shattered, a girl named Gerda was living next door to a boy named Kay.

Definition: the mirror break hard, so it becomes a million tiny pieces.

2. disguise

Context: "She lives in the icy north, but in winter she flies around, disguised as a snowflake."

Definition: what is change a form, for example insect changes its color and form, so its looks as leaf.

3. beware

Context: "Beware of her!"

Definition: you must pay attention to something. you are maintaing your mind hard.

4. jab

Context: He had felt a sharp jab in his eye and another, piercing his heart.

Definition: you do it hard than it hands or than knocks.

5. piercing

Context: He had felt a sharp jab in his eye and another, piercing his heart.

Definition: to make a small hole in or through something, using an object with a sharp point

The Snow Queen

Where: The snow queen by Hans Chiristian Andersen, published in 2006 by Usborne Publishing Ltd.,


summary: There was once a wicke demon who made a magic mirror.This mirror made a magic mirror. He use against angels but it crashed...

1. twist

Context: This mirror made everything good look twisted and ugly.

Definition: your nose and your mouth change strange form.

2. flap

Context: Flapping their leathery wings,....

Definition: her skirt flapping in the wind

3. slipp

Context: The mirror slipped from their hands,...

Definition: this mirror fall from by hand


Context: Some pieces were no bigger than a grain of sand, but ....

Definition: a very little things. if your eyes is bad, you may not look

5. splinter

Context: but if splinter struk a person's heart,...

Definition: its top is sharp and a little


Stories of Princes & Princesses

.Where: Stories of Princes & Princesses by Christopher Rawson, this edition first published in 2007 dy Usborne Publishing Ltd.,

summary: Colin was the clumsiest. But a princess thought he was so funny, she wanted to marry him. So her father gave Colin three tests. Because he did'nt think Colin is not princely enough to marry his daughter. Colin was failing in the test , but it's nigth a princess is kidnapped...


1. clumsy

Context: Corin was the clumsiest prince in the kingdom.

Definition: he is afraid of or feel shame at someone

2. fall over

Context: Colin fell over them.

Definition: When you don't feel very good or you are very surprised at horrible things, you can't think anithing and you may lost your mind. "fall over" mean losting your mind.

3. princely

Context: Are you princely enough to marry my daughter?

Definition: a person is suitable for prince, also he is excellent as prince.

4. polite

Context: Colin had to show how polite he could be.

Definition: you carefully take care of something. Also you kind for others.

5. butler

Context: ...that he did'nt see the butler.

Definition: it is a person who follow noble house

6. clown

Context: "He rides like a clown!"

Definition: when you look a foolish person, you use this word

7. kidnap

Context: Help! I'm being kidnapped!

Definition: you are taken somewhere dy someone dy force