
The snow queen

Where: The snow queen by Hans Chiristian Andersen, published in 2006 by Usborne Publishing Ltd.,



Context: "The river flows a long way,"

Definition: when a liquid, gas, or electricity flows, it moves in a steady continuous stream

2. pass

Context: "Perhaps the river has passed him on its travels."

Definition: a road, river, or railway line that passes a place goes through or near the place

3. sweep

Context: So, she climbed into a boat to throw them further in...and the boat swept her away.

Definition: to move things from a surface with a brushing movement

4. past

Context: She hoped the river would take her past someone who had seen Kay.

Definition: further than a particular place/The hospital's just up this road, about a mile past the school.


Context: As dusk fell, she spotted a rose-covered cottage.

Definition: the time before it gets dark when the sky is becoming less bright

6. describe

Context: She described their happy days playing untill he suddenly changed.

Definition: to say what something or someone is like by giving details about them

7. magnificent

Context: The snow Queen had taken Kay to her magnificent castle in the far north.

Definition: very good or beautiful, and very impressive

a magnificent performance



The Snow Queen

Where: The snow queen by Hans Chiristian Andersen, published in 2006 by Usborne Publishing Ltd.,



1. shatter

Context: Not long after the mirror shattered, a girl named Gerda was living next door to a boy named Kay.

Definition: the mirror break hard, so it becomes a million tiny pieces.

2. disguise

Context: "She lives in the icy north, but in winter she flies around, disguised as a snowflake."

Definition: what is change a form, for example insect changes its color and form, so its looks as leaf.

3. beware

Context: "Beware of her!"

Definition: you must pay attention to something. you are maintaing your mind hard.

4. jab

Context: He had felt a sharp jab in his eye and another, piercing his heart.

Definition: you do it hard than it hands or than knocks.

5. piercing

Context: He had felt a sharp jab in his eye and another, piercing his heart.

Definition: to make a small hole in or through something, using an object with a sharp point

The Snow Queen

Where: The snow queen by Hans Chiristian Andersen, published in 2006 by Usborne Publishing Ltd.,


summary: There was once a wicke demon who made a magic mirror.This mirror made a magic mirror. He use against angels but it crashed...

1. twist

Context: This mirror made everything good look twisted and ugly.

Definition: your nose and your mouth change strange form.

2. flap

Context: Flapping their leathery wings,....

Definition: her skirt flapping in the wind

3. slipp

Context: The mirror slipped from their hands,...

Definition: this mirror fall from by hand


Context: Some pieces were no bigger than a grain of sand, but ....

Definition: a very little things. if your eyes is bad, you may not look

5. splinter

Context: but if splinter struk a person's heart,...

Definition: its top is sharp and a little